How to Set Up Static Front Page?

  1. Log In to the Dashboard.
  2. Create a new page as the “Homepage”.
  3. (Optional) Create a new page as the “Posts page”.
  4. Click “Settings” on the left.
  5. Click “Reading” under “Settings”.
  6. Select “A static page(select below)” to the right of “Your homepage displays”.
  7. Select the page created in step 2 as “Homepage” from the drop-down menu.
  8. (Optional) Select the page created in step 3 as “Posts page” from the drop-down menu.
  9. Scroll down and click “Save Changes”.

By default, all your posts will be listed on the “Homepage”. But now we are using a static page as the “Homepage”, so we need to set up a “Posts page” to list the posts.

The set up of the “Posts page” is optional because some websites do not use posts, so they do not need a “Posts page”.