How to Register?

  1. Go to the register page.
  2. Fill in your preferred username. It should only contain lowercase English letters and Arabic numerals. Spaces and punctuation are not allowed.
  3. Fill in your email address. Please make sure that your email address is correct. We will send your activation email to this address.
  4. Read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service carefully. Check the checkbox on the left if you accept.
  5. Click “Next” to continue.
  6. Fill in your preferred site domain for the new website. Just like the username, it should only contain lowercase English letters and Arabic numerals.
  7. Fill in your preferred website title for the new website. It can contain any character, including emoji.
  8. Click “Create Site” to continue.
  9. We will send you an activation email with an activation link.
  10. Click the activation link to open the activation page. If the activation link is not clickable or is broken into two lines, please copy and paste the URL into your browser’s address bar and then go to the activation page manually.
  11. You will see your log in details on the activation success page, including your username and the default password.
  12. We will send you a welcome email with your log in details.